
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

...America, the dream is over, time to wake up...

I want to post what I know about what has allready been done for some time...
...for those that want to fix it... 'wanted' too long...

It would take about an hour for you to read what I have to show all you Americans what you sould have seen coming...

If you wish for me to write the 'plan' as it has been allready set-up, and now being implemented...
...then leave a comment to that affect...

For now, go to
...its shorter to read, yet gives you an idea of where we are at now...
...I can give you the 'big picture' of where America is going...


Monday, May 22, 2006 ask me if...?

All I hear from so many... you want to win $xxx...
...enter now and you could win $xxx... now...scratch now...


Just cut me a check...
...someone is going to get it...
...I'll just make it easy with no paper work...

Make check payable to...


Thursday, May 18, 2006

...pushing it this time...

I was there and watched 911...
...I saw the planes crash into the towers...
...I saw the exposions 'as the towers fell'...

American government, we are not stupid...
...911 is our 2001 'tea party'...

...drink up, we Americans will serve you well...



Saturday, May 06, 2006

...true America...

An observation...

Flight 93...
...what true Americans are...

...zar... borders...?

An observation...

Bush Senior, President Bushs' Dad, declared a 'new world order'...
...and America rejected it...

Now we have open borders in a time of war...
...a global government has no borders...


...too long waiting...

I have waited too long to say what must be said after obesrving what has not and should have happened...
...and my observation has been America has been setup for it to happen again...

America was attacked in WWII, and America finished it...
...America finished it in Korea...

...and lost in Vietnam...

America has lost every conflict it has been in since... include the declaration of war by Afghanistan...

Dont give me 'who, what, where'...

Within 48 hours Afghanistan should have been a parking lot... war, there are no innocent humans...
...a country attacks, the whole country attacks...

With Afghanisan a parking lot, there would be no longer a problem with others...
...they would know America will have no more from any other country...

From my point of observing I feel shame for America...
...for America has allowed thier shame...
